Best Newcomers 2016

Peter George & Karen Dukes - Plot 9b


So, always having liked growing things, but not having had the garden to do it in, I thought getting my hands on an allotment would be a good idea. I had heard that they were tough to get, and whilst there was a waiting list, to be fair the process and ease with which I managed to get one surprised me. The web page was easy to understand and those hard working volunteers who run the association were friendly and responded quickly. So in no time, I was allocated half a plot (I am SO glad I only took on half a plot - it is still pretty sizeable !) 1 year on, I have chosen the following words to describe my experience.

1 - Hard work -because those pesky weeds keep coming back and it does take a reasonable amount of physical effort getting your plot up to a workable standard and keep on top of it

2 - Satisfying - however, once you have done the heavy lifting, it is wonderful to see the things that you started from nothing grow and turn into wonderful tasting items (not everything turned out well by the way - I will be better this year)

3 - Tranquil - what a peaceful place to be. The time slides by without you even noticing and it is a place where you can take time to work, think and relax all in one place. As it turns out, I was fortunate enough to get a trophy for my efforts (well, to be fair, a shared trophy with Karen who had done a great job on her allotment) and whilst that is nice, it’s not the reason you find yourself putting the time in.

That is all to do with that feeling of ‘wellbeing’ having worked some areas of the body you wouldn’t normally, got the satisfaction of ‘free produce’, dispelled any stress in your life and met some wonderful people who are my ‘new neighbours’ at the allotment. Karen writes:- I, like Pete, took possession of my allotment last March and have loved every minute of it, from the constant weeding to the pulling up of my 1st carrot! There is nothing like putting a tiny seed in the ground, seeing the first peep of green showing through, watching it grow and mature, and finally being able to harvest the sweetest vegetables you can possibly imagine. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the help of my wonderful neighbours, all of whom have had their allotments for many years and have shared their knowledge most generously – thank you !

If you’re thinking about putting your name down for an allotment, but are daunted by the thought, then don’t be, look where it got myself and Pete, the joint winners of the ‘Best Newcomers Allotment’ and we’re at opposite ends of the site! It just shows how helpful and welcoming everyone is – go on do it, put you name down and come and enjoy the pleasures of growing, and not forgetting eating, you won’t regret it !. Karen Dukes